CFD - Contracts for Difference - is an arrangement made in a futures contract whereby differences in settlement are made through cash payments, instead of delivering physical goods or securities. CFDs are considered as one of the easiest methods of settlement since losses and gains are paid by cash. CFDs are usually traded as OTC (over-the counter).
This type of trading gives you considerable benefits over conventional share dealing. CFDs offers investors to speculate with all the advantages and risks owning a security without actually owning it in the equity market, treasuries, commodities, etc. Major advantages also include Gearing, Immediate dealing, Interest and Dividend Adjustments, etc. To read more about benefits of CFDs click here
This information provided by Orient Financial Brokers (OFB), licensed and regulated by Central Bank of the UAE since 1997, to conduct brokerage in Foreign Exchange, Commodities and Money Markets. OFB offers 24 hours internet on-line trading service to deal in thousands of financial instruments such as Commodities, Treasuries, Share CFDs, Stock Index CFDs, Foreign Exchange and Precious Metals through its principals.
Labels: CFDs Trading Dubai, Share CFDs UAE, Stock Index CFDs